Mobile REGEN-COV™ Monoclonal Antibody Therapy.
Book an in-home infusion of REGEN-COV™.
REGEN-COV™ was authorized by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the treatment of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 in adult and pediatric patients who qualify for treatment. The goal of this medication is to keep patients from worsening to the point of requiring hospitalization due to COVID-19. REGEN-COV™ has been shown to be safe and effective when used as directed. Please Note: this therapy is not a substitute for a COVID-19 vaccine, nor is it a cure for COVID-19.

How We Work

Book your day and time that you prefer and one of our mobile groups will call to medically clear you.
One of our Registered Nurses will come to the location of your choice to start the infusion.
Sit back, relax and feel better with your treatment.
REGEN-COV is an investigational medicine used in adults and adolescents who are at high risk for severe COVID-19 for:
  • treatment of mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19
  • post-exposure prevention of COVID-19

Learn more from REGEN-COV™ Fact Sheet

What should I know ?

How Monoclonal Antibody Therapy Works
Monoclonal Antibodies are laboratory-made proteins that mimic the immune system’s ability to fight off harmful pathogens such as viruses.
Who can receive this therapy?
REGEN-COV™ can be given to any patient aged 12 and older who has COVID-19, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated.

REGEN-COV™ can be given post-exposure to unvaccinated patients or vaccinated patients who are immunocompromised or cannot mount a sufficient antibody response
How long does it take to receive this therapy?
For those who are exposed, you can receive injections with a 60-minute observation
How effective is it?
93% reduction in symptoms if taken during exposure

20% reduction in mortality for those hospitalized

Alleviates symptoms 2 weeks sooner than if left untreated
Are there any side effects or contraindications?
Not to be used with people that have significant symptoms.

The most common reported side effects with REGEN-COV™ are nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, itchiness, and vomiting. Rare severe allergic reactions have been reported in clinical studies.

Allergic reactions can happen during and after infusion with REGEN-COV™. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the following signs and symptoms of allergic reactions: fever, chills, nausea, headache, shortness of breath, low or high blood pressure, rapid or slow heart rate, chest discomfort or pain, weakness, confusion, feeling tired, wheezing, swelling of your lips, face, or throat, rash including hives, itching, muscle aches, feeling faint, dizziness and sweating. These reactions may be severe or life-threatening.

Worsening symptoms after treatment: You may experience new or worsening symptoms after infusion, including fever, difficulty breathing, rapid or slow heart rate, tiredness, weakness or confusion. If these occur, contact your healthcare provider or seek immediate medical attention as some of these events have required hospitalization. It is unknown if these events are related to treatment or are due to the progression of COVID-19.

It is possible that REGEN-COV™ could interfere with your body’s own ability to fight off a future infection of COVID-19. Similarly, REGEN-COV™ may reduce your body’s immune response to a vaccine for COVID-19. Specific studies have not been conducted to address these possible risks. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have any questions.

The side effects of getting any medicine by vein may include brief pain, bleeding, bruising of the skin, soreness, swelling, and possible infection at the infusion site.
Can this be used instead of vaccine?
NO – this is absolutely not a substitute for vaccine. Vaccines elicit a broad immune response. REGEN-COV™ is only to be used in specific cases.
Who are the manufacturers and what is the trade name?
REGEN-COV™ is manufactured by Regeneron
Anything else I should know?
Monoclonal antibody therapy is currently permitted under the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization.